Houses for Sale in Zimbabwe 3,202 listings
This should minimally include submitting your listing to the multiple listing service; Internet advertising including a lot of good photos on sites like; and an open house for real estate agents. All of these activities drive prospective buyers to your home. A real estate broker has salespersons called real estate agents.
The broker is the one who arranges dealings between a buyer and a seller, and gets a commission when the deal is partially or totally executed, depending upon their transaction. In other words, the broker is the mediator between both the seller, as well as the buyer. Their work is to look for a seller who is interested in selling their property and a buyer who is interested in buying.
Talk to a Redfin agent
Strategically located along Harare drive, the property is in close proximity to both Chisipite Shopping centre and Sam Levi’s Village as well as a prestigious school. The house consists of 2 lounges as well as a small room adjacent to the study that has the potential to be used as a third lounge. There is a backup solar system with a 5kva solar system and to top it off there is a swimming pool waiting to be renovated and used. The Ghanaian government has very good laws to protect and encourage expatriates to do business in Ghana. Any foreigner doing business in Ghana is bound by the laws of Ghana which protect them and give them certain rights and privileges. Any foreigner buying … Read More